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ISSN: 1753-0059 (print), 1753-0067 (electronic)
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Expert Opinion and Expert Reviews are now on facebook!
December 18, 2013The Expert Opinion & Expert Reviews journals are now on facebook! Click here to visit our page and ‘LIKE’ us to keep updated of the newest articles and hottest news! -
Editor’s pick for July – Biomarkers in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer
June 24, 2013Diagnosis of thyroid cancer: state of art, a review from Myriem Boufraqech, Dhaval Patel, Yin Xiong & Electron Kebebew at the NIH National Cancer Institute, is our pick of the July 2013 issue from Editor-in-Chief Attila Lorincz. Keep reading for more details -
Editor?s pick May 2013 (EODG)
April 26, 2013Diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis: where are we now?
(Michael Maes, George Anderson, Gerwyn Morris, Michael Berk)
The diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) remains controversial. In this month’s issue, Maes and co-authors give us their view on this thorny issue. Read more. -
Editor?s pick March 2013 (EODG)
March 14, 2013Novel biomarkers for bipolar disorder
(Antonio Lucio Teixeira, Izabela Guimar?es Barbosa, Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, Lucas Bortolotto Rizzo, Andrea Wieck and Mois?s E Bauer)
Our editor?s pick for March is the review on novel biomarkers for bipolar disorder by Antonio Teixeira and co-workers. While putative diagnostic biomarkers have so far proven inconsistent, mood state biomarkers may contribute in the management of bipolar disorder. Read more. -
Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics approved for MEDLINE indexing!
March 12, 2013Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics has just been accepted for indexing on MEDLINE! You will now be able to find all papers published in the journal since 2007, on PubMed. Read more.
EODG Editor’s Pick January 2013
December 21, 2012Challenges in biomarker discovery: combining expert insights with statistical analysis of complex omics data
(Jason E McDermott, Jing Wang, Hugh Mitchell, Bobbie-Jo Webb-Robertson, Ryan Hafen, John Ramey & Karin D Rodland)
High throughput technologies have created an exceptional opportunity for biomarker discovery. However, identifying significant molecular signatures in datasets of such size and complexity represent a significant challenge. In this paper, the authors review the role of statistical and knowledge-based methods to identify biomarkers in complex data sets. Read more. -
Editor in Chief receives Research Project of the Year Award
December 14, 2012Prof. Attila Lorincz, editor-in-chief of Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics, has received the award for Research Project of the Year from Times Higher Education. Read more about the project and the award…
EODG publishes editorial by renowned author
October 30, 2012It is with great pleasure that we include, in our November issue, an editorial authored by Dr Henry T Lynch and co-workers on diagnosing Lynch syndrome in the absence of colorectal cancer. Read more
Editor?s pick November 2012 (EODG)
October 26, 2012Optical coherence tomography as a biomarker in multiple sclerosis (Anette Simble Fjeldstad PhD, Noel G Carlson PhD & John W Rose MD)
Our first ever Biomarker Evaluation is included in our November issue! In this paper, Fjeldstad, Carlson and Rose evaluate the development and usage of optical coherence tomography as a biomarker in multiple sclerosis. Read more. -
Editor?s pick October 2012 (EODG)
September 26, 2012Gene expression-based diagnostics for molecular cancer classification of difficult to diagnose tumors (Catherine A Schnabel and Mark G Erlander)
Our editor?s pick for October is a paper that explores the usage of gene expression-based markers for the classification of tumours that are difficult to diagnose or that are of indeterminate origin. Click on the link above to read more. -
Editor?s pick September 2012 (EODG)
August 29, 2012Epigenetic biomarkers in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer
(Jonathan G Bijron, Guus M Bol, Rene HM Verheijen, Paul J van Diest)
Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer can significantly improve the prognosis for patients. Since current diagnostic methods have limited performance a number of novel biomarkers are being investigated to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis. In the September issue of Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics, Bijron and colleagues review the promise of epigenetic biomarkers for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Read more. -
Editor?s pick July 2012 (EODG)
June 25, 2012The need to redefine preeclampsia (Jimmy Espinoza MD)
In the July issue of EODG, Dr Espinoza reviews some of the limitations of the conventional definition of preeclampsia and recent evidence suggesting that there is a dose?response relationship between the magnitude of uteroplacental ischemia and the timing of onset of preeclampsia. Read more. -
Editor’s Pick May 2012 (EODG)
April 27, 2012Applications of microRNAs in the diagnosis and prognosis of lung cancer (Jun Shen and Feng Jiang)
There is increasing evidence for the role of microRNAs in the development and progression of different human cancers. In the May issue of Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics Jun Shen and Feng Jiang discuss the application of miRNA-based biomarkers for the detection, classification and prognosis of lung cancer. Read more -
Editor’s Pick April 2012 (EODG)
March 28, 2012Identifying high-risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis (C Bogiatzi, MS Cocker, R Beanlands, JD Spence)
The most highly accessed paper in our March issue addresses the critical question: how do you diagnose patients with high-risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis? With the risk of stroke in medically-treated asymptomatic stenosis now being lower than the risk of surgical intervention, it is critical to make the right decision when considering patient treatment. Read more. -
Let’s be clear – Expert Opinion on ethical publishing
March 27, 2012In the interests of transparency, the editors would like to take the opportunity to update our readers on our ethical policies, and assure you that we take any breach of said policies very serieously, and will will investigate all such issues as fully as possible. -
Editor’s Pick March 2012 (EODG)
February 29, 2012Identifying high-risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis (C Bogiatzi, MS Cocker, R Beanlands, JD Spence)
Our editor?s pick for March is a paper that addresses the critical question: how do you diagnose patients with high-risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis? With the risk of stroke in medically-treated asymptomatic stenosis now being lower than the risk of surgical intervention, it is critical to make the right decision when considering patient treatment. Read more
Editor’s Pick February 2012
February 10, 2012Improving influenza virus detection (MC Gray, WY Su and SJ van Hal)
Our Editor’s pick for February is the most highly accessed paper from the January 2012 issue, which is Improving influenza virus detection by MC Gray, WY Su and SJ van Hal. Read more -
Editor’s Pick January 2012
December 23, 2011The times they are a-changin’: prognostic markers in the new era of BCR-targeting therapies for CLL (Jan A Burger).
Given the highly variable clinical presentation and prognosis in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), prognostic markers have typically been used for estimating the risk of disease progression and prognosis in individual patients. The traditional clinical staging systems continue to be used for treatment decisions, but they do not allow for predictions in early-stage patients. Molecular and cytogenetic risk factors allow us to predict the risk for disease progression response to ?standard? therapy and prognosis. Increasing evidence indicates robust connections of several CLL risk factor markers to B-cell receptor (BCR) function and signaling.
An Expert Opinion on gene patents – podcast with Dr Toneguzzo
November 17, 2011How will gene patents affect the development of molecular diagnostics? Frances Toneguzzo gives her opinion on this thorny issue in a podcast based on her editorial ?Impact of gene patents on the development of molecular diagnostics? (Expert Opin Med Diagn 4: 273-276). This editorial comes at a time when legislation on gene patenting is receiving a lot of attention in the news media.ÿ
New biomarkers of ovarian cancer – podcast with Prof Hellstrom
November 17, 2011Ovarian cancer is the 5th most deadly cancer. Early diagnosis of this cancer is essential in order to improve survival rates for patients. Prof. Ingegerd Hellstrom discusses the discovery of two new diagnostic markers in a podcast based on her review paper ?Two new biomarkers, mesothelin and HE4, for diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma? (Expert Opin Med Diagn 3: 227-240).